The Research Project in a Nutshell
"From Models to Decisions" is a three-year research project in philosophy of science funded by the Italian Ministry for University, Education and Research (MIUR) as a Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN). The project has been funded in the "linea giovani", where all Principal Investigators (PI's) have to be under 40 years old.
The project investigates the interface between modeling and decision-making: how scientific models function, how they advance our knowledge despite their intrinsic uncertainty, and how they are interpreted in a decision context. The research is carried out at the universities of Turin, Lucca, San Raffaele (Milan), and the Polytechnic University of Milan, It involves various local research teams, joint workshops and conferences and is funded with a total amount of ca. € 500,000. |
The Project Leaders
The project leaders (=local PIs) are the following four researchers: